Nicole- metanoia

"Where perception is, there also are pain and pleasure, and where these are, there, of necessity, is desire." -Aristotle

4 Reasons Why

Have you ever thought why you were destined to live your life. Why God gave you this life or what is your purpose in life. I have certainly reached the age, where l start to ask myself these questions. I have started to to learn the purpose of life.

Where perception is, there also are pain and pleasure, and where these are, there, of necessity, is desire.

Life isn’t perfect. Growing up l was always mauerbauertraurigkeit, the urge to push people l love away. I constantly asked God why it was always like this. Throughout everything l finally realized that l had my own reason why l live and why l became who l am.  My reasons to live are the following:

1. Inspire others
Before l found my purpose in life l was nodus tollens, the realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense anymore. Most people find it hard to let their voice be heard. Growing up l was lost in this world because l didn’t have the strength to find my voice. What kind of an example would I be if I had not had the strength to hold on? I chose to live to tell my story, and to inspire others to live. I’m not in the best shape, but I want to prove to myself I can do something that seems insurmountable and inspire others by showing them no matter where they are in their fitness goals, they can do it, too. I want others not to be afraid to speak up and stand up for themselves.

2. Yet to accomplish what l am destined to do
Before my mind was taken over by immense sorrow, I had aspirations. I chose to not let my overwhelming emotions interfere any longer. I’ve always found that anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way and you’ve got to have that drive and determination to overcome those obstacles on route to whatever it is that you want to accomplish. I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfil our destiny, but our fate is sealed.


3. Yet to find who l am
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘What is my true identity?’ By not knowing the answer to these questions, you keep on creating new identities of yourself, consequently going farther away from your true self. All the suffering in life is because of not knowing your true identity. Until you realize your true Self, you believe yourself to be the name that has been given to you. To live is to discover something about ourselves of which we were not aware. There is still so much to do , so many memories to be created, so many laughs to be had. My story isn’t over. Our stories are not over. My story has just began. Our stories have just began.

4. My loved ones
Life hasn’t always been a straight road to heaven. Life is not only our own. It also belongs to those who surround us. We should take care of ourselves because we are important to others, even when sometimes we are not aware of that. My friends and family are my support system. They tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear and they are there for me in the good and bad times. Without them I have no idea where I would be and I know that their love for me is what’s keeping my head above the water. Life is short. Never take your loved one for granted.


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  1. carmenim October 12, 2017

    Dearest Nicole,

    Thank you for writing another inciteful and interesting piece of writing!

    The first thing I have to commend you on is the title – it’s simple but for some reason I really like the slightly poetic feel it brings before I even read your post. Furthermore, the structure of this piece is well done; by having an introduction to the four points you were going to talk about, it felt less disjointed. You really dove deep within yourself to write this, and I love how it somewhat echoes your About Me page with its tone and syntax.

    One thing that I would offer is to keep an eye out for grammar – sometimes I had to reread one sentence to understand it. But other than that, I truly enjoyed reading it and keep up the great work!

    • leogem October 19, 2017 — Post Author

      Dear Carmen

      Thank you so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it. Next time l will make sure to check for any grammar mistakes.

    • leogem October 26, 2017 — Post Author

      Dear Carmen

      Thank you so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it. I will make sure to keep an eye out for grammar errors. I am really glad that you enjoyed reading my blog.



  2. weareonlyamoment October 17, 2017

    Dear Nicole,

    This piece of writing is very interesting. I like how you created a list and described each point. You have added depth and honesty to it which makes it much more personal. The reader is given a chance to understand what matters the most to you in life.Another thing I liked was how you added small lessons for your reader like “Never take your loved one for granted.”

    One thing I would suggest is working on your grammar (reading it out loud to yourself helps). Other than that, I really enjoyed reading your writing. Good Job!


    • leogem October 19, 2017 — Post Author

      Dear Simran

      Thank you for you feedback. I will make sure to check and work on my grammar on my future blogs.

    • leogem October 26, 2017 — Post Author

      Dear Simran,

      Thank you so much for the feedback, l really appreciate it. I will make sure to work on my grammar mistakes next time. I am really glad that you enjoyed reading my piece.



  3. zainmohamed01 October 18, 2017

    Dear Nicole,

    I love how you chose to do something so out of the ordinary for your free choice blog! I was immediatley captured by your visuals which I find are very aesthetically pleasing and greatly enhance the page. I also liked how you integrated the quote on the front of your blog in to this piece because it connected very well to your writing.

    Similar to what Carmen said, I also feel like you should fix some of your grammar errors as well as re structure your sentences to increase flow. For example, when you say ” growing up I was always mauerbauertraurigkeit, the urge to push people away” I would replace ”was always” ”always had”

    All in all I thoroughly enjoyed your peice and I look forward to reading more of your writing in the future.

    Sincerley ,


    • leogem October 19, 2017 — Post Author

      Dear Zain

      Thank you so much for the feedback. I am really glad that you enjoyed my piece. I will make sure to check for any grammar and structure mistakes on my future blogs.

    • leogem October 26, 2017 — Post Author

      Dear Zain,

      Thank you so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it. I will make sure to check and fix some of my grammar error. I am glad that you enjoyed my piece.



  4. carolineko January 11, 2018

    Dear Nicole,

    This is a lovely piece! I especially loved your opening paragraph. It quickly captured my attention and made me want to continue reading.

    If there was anything to critique it would be there was some capitalization errors in that some words were capitalized with out being the start of a sentence or a proper noun. For example,”realize your true Self, you believe.” This might be a stylistic choice but if it is weave it throughout the piece.

    This is a wonderful post and I am excited to read more of your work!


    • leogem January 16, 2018 — Post Author

      Dear Caroline,

      Thank you so much for the feedback. I will make sure to check for any capitalizations error in the future.


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